3 min read

Weekly Update #2: Oct. 29 2023

Welcome to the All Weather Model and thanks for signing up!

We have 3 minutes, so let’s dive right in...


Calls from the model have started playing out well. As mentioned in last week's update, stocks were looking weak while the crypto space was looking good.

As it stands, The model is bearish toward general stock indices and the tech sector in particular. Be careful out there until market conditions change.
Conversely, the model is flashing buying opportunities in the digital asset space

Nasdaq is down 3%, Bitcoin is up 15% ... not bad for the model´s first week going public.

The model continues to be bullish on the digital assets space and bearish on the S&P500 and the Nasdaq 100.

Year-to-date, bitcoin is up 102%. The crypto cycle might be back and you can hopefully take advantage if it plays out. One of those events can be life-changing. If you are not comfortable with the asset class, I would suggest you spend some time doing research. You can find a good Bitcoin 101 here. This is a good time to build conviction and come up with your own strategy.

Our high-level investment thesis: Bitcoin price is highly driven by liquidity ...

.... and liquidity is coming back

As mentioned in last week's update, gold is looking good, poised to break out from major historical resistance, with a potential 50% uplift. It's kind of curious that the two assets that act more as protection against monetary malpractice are the ones pointing up.


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THE NO-RAINY DAY PORTFOLIO by the All-Weather Model

The model's first bets are up nicely since they were published.

As mentioned in last week's update, we allocated more capital to the crypto opportunities that popped up during the week. The new model entries for this week are:

Portfolio Net Asset Value is up 7% since inception last week

Note that the model has detected increasing risks on the Uranium bet so we have tightened our risk management.

That’s it from us this week, that was 3 minutes.

Thanks for reading and good luck out there!


Starting this week, we´ll be including one piece of curated content in each edition.


DISCLAIMER: The All-Weather Model is not registered with any financial regulatory agencies. Content is for research, education, and entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered personalized financial advice.